SecureCommunicationsVapor Documentation Beta

Structure String

@frozen struct String

A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters



public func sealAES(senderPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, recipientPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> String?

Encrypts current string using AES.GCM cipher.


sender​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Sender private key.

recipient​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Recipient public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Combined AES Selead box (nonce || ciphertext || tag) coded on base64. If there's a problem encrypting, nil is retuned.


public func openAES(recipientPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, senderPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> String?

Decrypts current combined AES Selead box data (nonce || ciphertext || tag) and coded on Base64 using AES.GCM cipher.


recipient​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Recipient private key.

sender​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Sender public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Decrypts the message and verifies its authenticity using AES.GCM. If there's a problem decrypting, nil is retuned.


public func sealChaChaPoly(senderPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, recipientPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> String?

Encrypts current string using ChaChaPoly cipher.


sender​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Sender private key.

recipient​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Recipient public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Combined ChaChaPoly Selead box (nonce || ciphertext || tag) coded on base64. If there's a problem encrypting, nil is retuned.


public func openChaChaPoly(recipientPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, senderPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> String?

Decrypts current combined ChaChaPoly Selead box data (nonce || ciphertext || tag) and coded on Base64 using ChaChaPoly cipher.


recipient​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Recipient private key.

sender​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Sender public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Decrypts the message and verifies its authenticity using ChaChaPoly. If there's a problem decrypting, nil is retuned.


public func authenticationCodeHMAC(senderPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, recipientPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> String?

Computes a message authentication code for the given data using HMAC from current string.


sender​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Sender private key.

recipient​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Recipient public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Message authentication code coded on Base64. If there's a problem computing, nil is retuned.


public func isValidAuthenticationCodeHMAC(recipientPrivateKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey, authenticationCode: String, senderPublicKey: P256.KeyAgreement.PublicKey, salt: String) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the given code is valid for current string using HMAC.


recipient​Private​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Private​Key

Recipient private key.

authentication​Code String

authentication code to validate coded on Base64.

sender​Public​Key P256.​Key​Agreement.​Public​Key

Sender public key.

salt String

The salt to use for key derivation.


Boolean indicating whether the given code is valid for current data. If there's a problem validating, false is retuned.